Java - Introduction

Java - Introduction

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AnimatedTextGIF.gif This is my blog about the Java Programming language Introduction So lets dive in ToddlerDiveChildGIF.gif Java is a general purpose, object - oriented programming language developed by Sun Micro Systems. The goal is to develop a programming language which is simple, portable and highly reliable.


Java is a compiled and interpreted Programming language. When you write a java code which you store with it converts into a Name.class to run the file by which it achives platform independent nature. Java compiler generates bytecode instructions that can be implemented on any machine

Java is a object oriented language. It comes with support of set of different packages which can be used by programmers. It is robust and secure language

Java supports wide range application development starting form Standalone to Web based applications.

Features of Java

Compiled and Interperted

Platform Independent


Robust, Secured, Distributed and High Performance.


  • Java is a high level programming language. It is created by James Gosling and Company Sun MicroSystem .

  • Java is a Object Oriented Programming Language.

  • Java is a Platfrom Independent language. It runs on different platforms.(Windows,Mac-OS, Unix/Linux)
  • Java exhibits a combination features of C and C++ like procedural and Object Oriented Programming.
  • Java Supports both Standalone applications and Web Applications.